
Reported speech exercises intermediate level pdf
Reported speech exercises intermediate level pdf

reported speech exercises intermediate level pdf

Keeping this in mind, this book is written to have a better introduction of the, Basic Science.

reported speech exercises intermediate level pdf

In English, each generation adds a new story to the, old structure. In most sciences, one generation years down what another has built and, what one has established another undoes. Preface, This Book 'English is intended to be a textbook for students of First Year Engineering, Diploma of MSBTE. We will be more than thankful for your, feedback. 020 – 24458333, 9 / 8, E-mail :, Note: For any queries, doubts, suggestions & complaints regarding the subject, please feel, free to contact on the below e-mail or phone number. However the author and, publisher make no warranty with regard to the program and documentation contained, in the book., ISBN :, Price :,, Available at All Leading Book Stalls, Distributor :, PRADEEP BOOK DISTRIBUTORS, ST,, 102/3, 1 Floor, Shan Bramha Complex, Pune., Telephone No. 9, LIMITS OF LIABILITY AND DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY, The Authors and Publisher of this book have tried their best to ensure that the program, procedure and function described in the book are correct. 105, First Floor, Shan Bramha Complex, Pune – 411 002. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval, system or transmitted, in any form,or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Author., First Edition : 2017, Published By :,, Gigatech Publishing House, 631/32, Budhawar Peth, Office No. "Mercury is a small planet."She said Mercury _ a small planet.English – Work Book, © All rights reserved with the Authors., All rights are reserved. "Does Jim have a truck?"Kelly asked _ a truck.14. "I can speak three languages."Thomas said he _ three languages.13. "Do you know the answer?"Cindy asked me if _ the answer.12. "What's the capital of Bolivia?"John asked me _.Select the TWO possible answers - then click "Choose"11. "Alaska is very cold."Our teacher said Alaska _ cold.10. "It's ten o'clock."Emma said that _ ten o'clock.9. "Is he our teacher?"My classmate asked me _ teacher.8.

reported speech exercises intermediate level pdf

"The kids are outside."My wife said that the kids _ outside.7. "I don't like Monday Mornings."Stewart said he _ Monday mornings.Select the TWO possible answers - then click "Choose"6. "Do you work at night?"Maria asked me _ at night.5. "I have a new job."Samantha said she _ a new job.Select the TWO possible answers - then click "Choose"3. "What time is it?"Roberto _ me what time it was.2.

Reported speech exercises intermediate level pdf